Stress Relief Tips for Mercury Retrograde
Hey Fulfilled Femme,
How have you been feeling during Mercury retrograde?
I found this one has been much easier than others. I feel like I've had some powerful tools to help me move through it more easily than other ones.
I am excited to share them with you today so you can move through what's left of mercury retrograde and its shadow period.

What’s Mercury retrograde you may ask?
It is a time when mercury appears to be moving backward. Mercury is the planet of communication, technology, and travel.
It’s a time when we can experience technical difficulties, miscommunications, delays, and overall wacky energy. That can cause us to feel triggered, lack focus, be more irritable, and cause some out-of-control stressful moments.
This may be what we are experiencing right now but there is hope to move through it. Shifting our perceptions in the heat of the moment is key.
Even though these times bring stressful moments there are often many golden nuggets of lessons that contribute massively to our soul’s growth!
For me lately, I have been reminded about the importance of surrendering to the divine plan, releasing expectations, and allowing it all to unfold when and how it's meant to.
What lessons have you learned in Mercury Retrograde so far? Take a moment to reflect on that and share in the comments below.
Stress relief tips for mercury retrograde.
1. Address the Mess
Stressful times can feel messy and chaotic. When expectations aren’t met, there are delays or miscommunications, we can feel disappointed that the outcomes didn’t unfold the way we thought they would.
It’s important to pause and go inward. Identify what is truly bothering you.
Awareness is always the first step to making change. Become aware of the emotions and thoughts coming up. That way you can begin to shift them.
In times when things don't go according to plan, I like to pause, honour what feels messy and out of control. When bypassing those experiences it can lead to future blow-ups of emotions and thoughts so it's important to address the mess in the moment.
2. Express the Stress
Getting what’s bothering you off your chest can help you move the energy and release the tension. Getting the stressful feelings out of your energetic field helps you move the density and get to a place of neutrality. This is key to avoiding unnecessary blow-ups, miscommunications, and heightened feelings of anxiety.
Try confiding in someone you trust, or journalling. It is so helpful to move through stressful situations. If you are seeking additional support it’s a wonderful time to ask for support from therapists, coaches, and or healers in your corner.
Be gentle with yourself and honour how things come up for you.
When I feel stressed, I like to pause, journal about it, and do a meditation to cleanse my energetic field. That will ease up the stressful sensations and allow me to move forward with more ease.
3. Simply do Less
Do less of what’s causing the stress. It’s okay to take a step back for your mental health!
That can be the hardest part at times. To call in for work, ask your partner to take care of the kids, and reschedule client deliverables.
Take some time to do less of what’s causing the stress and more of what brings you joy.
Nourish your mind, body, and soul, and shift your frequency. Some examples may be to journal, read, listen to a podcast, go for a walk, stretch, dance, meditate, and pray.
When there was some personal stuff that came up this mercury retrograde, there was a time when I moved my schedule around to give myself the space to process it all. I meditated and went for a long walk with my dog. Doing so without judgment allowed me to feel much better and get more productive when I got back to work.

From this place, you are able to make long-term changes accordingly and incorporate more habits for your long-term well-being.
When the stress has been moved through and you see the benefits of having moments in your life to cultivate joy, you can begin to commit to creating habits in your day-to-day schedule.
Incorporating more joy into your life can help you raise your frequency and reduce overall stress.
As the stress is released you can also take time to create awareness of removing yourself from stressful circumstances. Relationships, careers, and environments that create more chronic stress.
It is a process but having these tools to help you move through stressful situations is key.
I have been using these steps in my life a little extra this mercury retrograde.
How do you move through stress? Let me know in the comments below!
If you want some additional support... I welcome you to look at my Work with Me page on my website to learn about the available ways for me to support you on your journey. It would be my honour and privilege to support you.
I hope you loved this blog post. Stay tuned for the next one Tuesdays at noon est. Until then I invite you to check out my free Facebook community Fulfilled Female Entrepreneur.
Love and Light,