How to Find The Best Manifestation Tool to Master Manifesation

One of the most common manifestation mistakes that I see come up for people is that they tend to set their manifestation intention and then forget about it. They are missing tools that help connect them to their vision.
Today, I am sharing some practical tools to help you connect to your vision and succeed at manifesting your desires.
An example of setting and forgetting your manifestation looks like: writing down your New Year Resolutions and then never looking at them again.
It comes as no surprise that you didn’t achieve your goals because manifestation loves clarity, joy, connection, and consistency.
Connecting with my manifestations daily has allowed me to successfully manifest so many of my goals and dreams. I used to set and forget my goals—but now I can have consistent touchpoints with what I want to create.
Keeping my manifestation front of mind has allowed me to manifest some of the biggest things in my life, like a beachfront condo in Mexico!
How to Connect to Your Vision:
Take Note of How You Connect with the World.
How you connect with the world can help you build a manifestation practice suited to your unique way of experiencing life.
Manifestation is not a one size fits all situation. Finding what works best for you is so important if you want to successfully manifest your dream life.
When you understand this important detail, you can create a manifestation connection tool that best suits you.
Are you a visual, kinesthetic, or auditory person?
To figure out which suits you, think about what you recall as a memory from an adventure. Do you remember an image? Do you recall the way you felt at that moment? Or do you remember the sounds?
Now that we've identified how you interact with the world— let's pinpoint the best manifestation connection tool for you!
For visual manifestors:

It is so important to have a clear image of what achieving their manifestation would look like.
That way you can clearly picture what you are manifesting. You can become one with what you are manifesting, and before you know it, you will be living your manifestation.
Recommended tools: vision boards, and visualization.
Creating a vision board can be life-changing for visual manifestors. You can create a vision board with physical pictures or a digital version with something like Canva.
Recommended Blog Post: How to Create a Vision Board that Actually Helps You Achieve Your Goals
For kinesthetic manifestors:

I am a kinesthetic manifestor. For us, it's important to feel how you feel when you accomplish your manifestation.
Tapping into that feeling amps up manifesting powers.
Recommended tools: Day in a Life, and guided meditation.
For a day in your life, write about ideal your day, your perfect day, and recite it out loud every day. Tap into the feeling of living that day, write things like I feel so much gratitude for achieving (your manifestation), really embody that feeling in the present moment!
Reccomended Blog Post: 3 Reasons Daily Meditation is Important for Success
For auditory manifestors:

Auditorial manifestors like to incorporate the sounds associated with ringing in their manifestation. That way you can hear what it will sound like to manifest what they want.
Recommended tools: record yourself describing your manifestation, and listen to it daily, choose a victory song you will listen to when achieving your goal, and listen to it every day.
What tool are you going to apply to your life today? Make the commitment to try on one of these tools for you.
I hope these tools help you step into your manifestation power! If you’re interested in learning more about manifestation, take a peek at my blog post: How to Master Manifestation in 5 Steps!
Much love,
Cassandra Rosa